IT Tenders
Success factors for IT tenders
IT tenders require in-depth expertise
Outsourcing is a complex undertaking and requires specific know-how and experience:

Procedure for IT tenders
The individual phases of IT tenders
The starting point of a tender is a process model which is adapted to the individual situation. In case of extensive IT infrastructure tenders with a large number of providers on the market, an open Request for Proposal (RfP) process is recommended, with potentially conducting a Request for Information (RfI) beforehand. If the tender scope reflects very specific service areas addressing only selected market participants or if it is important to conclude a contract quickly, we often recommend conducting a competitive dialogue process with two providers competing against each other.

Public IT tenders
Meeting challenges with expertise
IT outsourcing of complex services in the public sector leads to a particular challenge. While contracting authorities are highly experienced in awarding standardized contracts, they do not have the necessary tendering and evaluation templates to map complex customized IT solutions. Furthermore, the “dreaded” public tender process and the numerous dangers of reprimand significantly limit the action possibilities in a tender. Due to the special requirements of such public procedure, the group of participants is unpredictable and can only be limited by setting appropriate participation criteria.
Based on our experience, we can support you in public tenders enhancing the overall value. Together with you we will agree and finalize the contractual basis even before the publication of the tender. Furthermore, we ensure that for market-oriented solutions fair prices are contractually concluded in such public tenders, and that no joint verifications are necessary after the contract signature.
Navisco Outsourcing Reference Model (NORM)
How you will benefit from our experience
Navisco figures
The Navisco Outsourcing Reference Model (NORM) consists of a complete set of templates, methodologies and descriptions for maximum efficiency and quality.
Navisco AG